ZendFramework 2 用户模块 ZfcUser配置文件不完全不专业翻译

ZfcUser 项目地址:https://github.com/ZF-Commons/ZfcUser

 * ZfcUser Configuration
 * If you have a ./config/autoload/ directory set up for your project, you can
 * drop this config file in it and change the values as you wish.
$settings = array(
     * ZendDbAdapterAdapter DI Alias
     * Please specify the DI alias for the configured ZendDbAdapterAdapter
     * instance that ZfcUser should use.
    //'zend_db_adapter' => 'ZendDbAdapterAdapter',

     * User Model Entity Class
     * 用户实体类
     * Name of Entity class to use. Useful for using your own entity class
     * instead of the default one provided. Default is ZfcUserEntityUser.
     * The entity class should implement ZfcUserEntityUserInterface
     * 指定哪个类为用户实体类。可以使用你自己的类来替换系统提供的。默认是
     * ZfcUserEntityUser。这个类实现了 ZfcUserEntityUserInterface 接口。
    //'user_entity_class' => 'ZfcUserEntityUser',
    //'user_entity_class' => 'IchcmsEntityUser',

     * Enable registration
     * 是否开启注册
     * Allows users to register through the website.
     * Accepted values: boolean true or false
    //'enable_registration' => true,

     * Enable Username
     * 是否开启用户名(默认不开启)
     * Enables username field on the registration form, and allows users to log
     * in using their username OR email address. Default is false.
     * 开启后用户名将出现在注册表单中,并且允许用户使用用户名或者邮箱进行登录。
     * Accepted values: boolean true or false
    //'enable_username' => false,

     * Authentication Adapters
     * 鉴权适配器
     * Specify the adapters that will be used to try and authenticate the user
     * 指定用于鉴权的适配器
     * Default value: array containing 'ZfcUserAuthenticationAdapterDb' with priority 100
     * Accepted values: array containing services that implement 'ZfcUserAuthenticationAdapterChainableAdapter'
    'auth_adapters' => array( 100 => 'ZfcUserAuthenticationAdapterDb' ),

     * Enable Display Name
     * 是否开启昵称(默认关闭)
     * Enables a display name field on the registration form, which is persisted
     * in the database. Default value is false.
     * 开启后,昵称表单将显示在注册表单,昵称将存储在数据库。
     * Accepted values: boolean true or false
    //'enable_display_name' => true,

     * Modes for authentication identity match
     * 设置身份鉴权的id匹配模式
     * Specify the allowable identity modes, in the order they should be
     * checked by the Authentication plugin.
     * 设置可以使用作为身份鉴权的id模式,将提供给鉴权适配器使用。
     * Default value: array containing 'email'
     * Accepted values: array containing one or more of: email, username
     * 值是一个数组,默认是 email,可以指定包括 email,username在内的一个或者多个选项
    //'auth_identity_fields' => array( 'email' ),

     * Login form timeout
     * 设置登录超时
     * Specify the timeout for the CSRF security field of the login form
     * in seconds. Default value is 300 seconds.
     * Accepted values: positive int value
    //'login_form_timeout' => 300,

     * Registration form timeout
     * 设置注册超时
     * Specify the timeout for the CSRF security field of the registration form
     * in seconds. Default value is 300 seconds.
     * Accepted values: positive int value
    //'user_form_timeout' => 300,

     * Login After Registration
     * 设置注册成功后是否自动登录(默认是)
     * Automatically logs the user in after they successfully register. Default
     * value is false.
     * Accepted values: boolean true or false
    //'login_after_registration' => true,

     * Registration Form Captcha
     * 是否使用验证码注册
     * Determines if a captcha should be utilized on the user registration form.
     * Default value is false.
     * 指定是否显示一个验证码在用户注册表单,默认是否
    //'use_registration_form_captcha' => false,

     * Form Captcha Options
     * 设置表单验证码
     * Currently used for the registration form, but re-usable anywhere. Use
     * this to configure which ZendCaptcha adapter to use, and the options to
     * pass to it. The default uses the Figlet captcha.
     * 此设置作用在注册表单,但是也可以用在其他地方。这里设置将对 ZendCaptcha 模块起作用。
     * 注:默认提供的验证码并不是图片,而是非常囧的文字图验证码。
    /*'form_captcha_options' => array(
        'class'   => 'figlet',
        'options' => array(
            'wordLen'    => 5,
            'expiration' => 300,
            'timeout'    => 300,

     * Use Redirect Parameter If Present
     * 设置是否重定向跳转
     * Upon successful authentication, check for a 'redirect' POST or GET parameter
     * 如果登录成功,按照 POST 或者 GET 数据中是否存在 redirect 参数进行跳转。
     * 默认是是。
     * Accepted values: boolean true or false
    //'use_redirect_parameter_if_present' => true,

	 * Sets the view template for the user login widget
     * 设置用户登录的视图模板
	 * Default value: 'zfc-user/user/login.phtml'
     * Accepted values: string path to a view script
    //'user_login_widget_view_template' => 'zfc-user/user/login.phtml',

     * Login Redirect Route
     * 登录后的重定向路由
     * Upon successful login the user will be redirected to the entered route
     * Default value: 'zfcuser'
     * Accepted values: A valid route name within your application
    //'login_redirect_route' => 'zfcuser',

     * Logout Redirect Route
     * 注销后的重定向路由
     * Upon logging out the user will be redirected to the entered route
     * Default value: 'zfcuser/login'
     * Accepted values: A valid route name within your application
    //'logout_redirect_route' => 'zfcuser/login',

     * Password Security
     * 密码安全
     * Unless A) you have done sufficient research and fully understand exactly
     * what you are changing, AND B) you have a very specific reason to deviate
     * from the default settings and know what you're doing.
     * The password hash settings may be changed at any time without
     * invalidating existing user accounts. Existing user passwords will be
     * re-hashed automatically on their next successful login.

     * Password Cost
     * The number represents the base-2 logarithm of the iteration count used for
     * hashing. Default is 14 (about 10 hashes per second on an i5).
     * Accepted values: integer between 4 and 31
    //'password_cost' => 14,

     * Enable user state usage
     * 是否使用用户状态功能(视乎默认未开启)
     * Should user's state be used in the registration/login process?
    //'enable_user_state' => true,

     * Default user state upon registration
     * 用户注册后的默认状态值(默认1),数据库对应 state 字段
     * What state user should have upon registration?
     * Allowed value type: integer
    //'default_user_state' => 1,

     * States which are allowing user to login
     * 哪一种状态值的用户允许登录(默认1)
     * When user tries to login, is his/her state one of the following?
     * Include null if you want user's with no state to login as well.
     * Allowed value types: null and integer
    //'allowed_login_states' => array( null, 1 ),

     * User table name
     * 用户数据表
    //'table_name' => 'user',

     * End of ZfcUser configuration

 * You do not need to edit below this line
return array(
    'zfcuser' => $settings,
    'service_manager' => array(
        'aliases' => array(
            'zfcuser_zend_db_adapter' => (isset($settings['zend_db_adapter'])) ? $settings['zend_db_adapter']: 'ZendDbAdapterAdapter',


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